ZEGO Z-Board (External Insulating Façade System)

Our ZEGO Polystyrene Wall Cladding (Z-Board) is an External Insulating Facade System (EIFS) which comes in your choice of 60mm or 100mm foam panels, with hot dipped galvanized screws and washers.

  • Suitable for new homes up to Bushfire Attack Level BAL-19* first floor additions, alterations or renovation facades
  • Fire Rating in BAL-40 and BAL-FZ ( Flame Zone ) areas and walls on or within 900mm of a boundary use Fire Rated Walls (FireFORM) which also interlocks with the Z-Board and Insulated Concrete Forms (HomeFORM)
  • Fixed to timber or steel stud frame vertically 300mm centre of Z-Board at each stud and maximum 600mm centres horizontally
  • Fixed to Dincel plastic formwork vertically 300mm centre of Z-Board panel and maximum 600mm centres horizontally
  • Fixed to brick, block, or precast panel vertically 300mm centre of Z-Board panel and maximum 600mm centres horizontally
  • When fixing into brick, block or precast concrete drill with tungstun drill bit the diameter to suit plastic spaghetti
  • Self-supporting and interlocking
  • Also available in other thicknesses by request.
  • Easy to handle in windy conditions during installation
  • Apply Breathable Sarking or TYVEK Home wrap to frame
  • Large convection current grooves eliminates condensation
  • Fixed through to your structural timber or steel frame with only 9 fixings per square metre
  • No adhesives or battening required unless specified by the project designer ( built in convection grooves )
  • Thermally insulated and is a reflective barrier to sound absorption
  • External Finishes include but not limited to are Acrylic textured or smooth coloured render 8mm+2mm for Acrylic base and top coat renders, Stone – Stack stone, tiles, Alucabond, Batten and weatherboard, MiniOrb, ColorBond
  • * Up to BAL-29 ZEGO Z-Board walls to be rendered in Acrylic render e.g. Dulux Acra Tex 8mm polymer base coat with 160gram 4×4 or 5×5 fire retardant alkaline resistant render mesh in centre + Finish coloured smooth or textured top coat of 2mm minimum or 6mm Fibre Cement sheeting or Colourbond/Miniorb or Stone facing or Bushfire Resistant timber finishes
  • ZEGO Polystyrene Wall Cladding (EIFS) has a Design Registered Render Lock Dovetail Groove that mechanically locks the render to the ZEGO Flame Retardant INSUL8 “F” Grade EPS with self-extinguishing properties

Uncover the advanced features of ZEGO Z-Board on ArchiPro, a testament to modern building innovation and sustainable design

Polystyrene Wall Cladding Usage ChartPolystyrene Wall Cladding ThicknessesR-Rating : approx 1.5 R per 50mm of insulationW28 W60 Z-Clips/m2
(300 vertical x 600 horizontal MAX)
Z-Screws required
(Hot dipped galvanized)
Used for cladding, insulating and providing a surface for render finish. Installed over timber frames, steel frames, brick, blockwork and concrete. Also for insulating Precast concrete panel buildings, existing buildings, gable ends, parapets & light weight upstairs extensions.60mm1.8R9 per m2100mm
100mm3.0R9 per m2130mm
Render to CA26 compliance – up to wind load W60 – thickness 8mm base coat with reinforcement mesh plus finishing coat.