- Suitable for Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Civil Works
- Swimming pools and spas
- Steam room and Sauna room
- Water Tanks and Detention Tanks
- Party walls, boundary walls, music rooms and studios
- Retaining walls and fences
- Cellars, basements and car parks
- Vaults and Panic Rooms
- Suspended slabs
Speed and Precision
- Requiring less onsite labour, our teams of installers can install walls in one to two weeks per floor level. This includes erection of ZEGO Forms against the wall brace scaffolding system, forming up of openings placement of steel reinforcement and placement of the concrete.
- With high early strength of concrete required, the superstructure is ready for the slab or roof to go on.
Reduced Labour and Material Handling
- ZEGO Walls don’t require a crane or forklift and can be hand unloaded from a truck.
- Can be hand loaded to first floor
- Can be erected quickly and efficiently as the foam formwork is light weight and becomes the load bearing structural once the concrete is poured.
- Each foam form weighs approximately 1kg so ideal for sloping or difficult access sites.
- All the heavy work is completed with the concrete pump
Structural Integrity and Quality
- ZEGO formwork once core filled with concrete offers a reinforced concrete structure which is 6 – 9 times stronger than a conventional brick or block construction.
- Cyclone rated to Cat 4 or 70m per sec ( 252km/hr)
- 100% Recyclable
- Energy Efficiency
- Reduces heating and cooling costs by 50-80% year after year
- Insulation ratings R 3 +
- Termite, Mildew and Rodent resistant
Installation Benefits
- 50mm interlock and intersect
- Same forms build corners and tee intersections
- Services ( Electrical & Plumbing) are off the critical path
- Wall Brace Scaffolding which is Work Cover Registered available for projects ( Available through www.wallbraceaustralia.com.au)
- Patented Proprietary Wall Brace System designed to hold walls for concrete pour
- Adjustable to plumb to ensure straightness of walls
- A safe platform with your scaffold planks and hand rail to work off for completing wall heights and to pour the concrete
- Integrated Insulated suspended formwork system for reinforced concrete slabs
Fire Rated
- ZEGO Commercial Insulated Concrete Forms FireFORM and ReFORM provide a solid concrete core
- Fire Rating as per AS3600 and AS 3959-2009 for different thicknesses of concrete with excess of FRL 240/240/240 easily achieved
- Fire rated walls can be used in conjunction with the domestic forms as they are interactive with each other at T- intersections or corners
- Suitable for BAL area construction and flame zones

Sound Rated
- Sound Transmission (* STC) 50+
- Acoustic Attenuation for party walls, boundary walls, music rooms and studios
Dove Tail Groove for Render and Plasterboard Support
- Dove Tail groove is a registered design of ZEGO
- Eliminates delamination
- Increases Render strength
- Allows render to be applied to a greater thickness for detailing work if required

Design Registered Diamond Pattern
- Designed to provide maximum strength during concrete pour to Australian Standards of 1 metre high per pass
- Allows air to escape due to triangular shape
- Acts as a bar chair to support reinforcement enabling full encapsulation of the reinforcement
- Diamond Pattern allows for the concrete stresses to transfer either side at 45 degrees alleviating the necessity to stack bond the forms
- Assembly of the ZEGO Forms automatically ensures vertical cores in the corners, intersecting walls and for door and window reveals allowing easier placement of vertical reinforcement steel and ensuring correct concrete cover
- Maximum strength for the concrete structure
Training and Support
- Off Site Training Sessions to provide support on installation of ZEGO Building Systems
- Qualified On Site Installers
- Architects, Designers and Engineers
- CPD Approved Training for Licensed Builders, Architects, Engineers and Tradespeople
- Personalised Support for consultants, contractors and Owner Builders